Tuesday, 1 May 2012


I feel like my last post wasn't completely accurate, as I wasn't back for good.  In fact I've probably been absent for at least four months.  It's important to understand that a lot has happened over the past four months and it's been really difficult for me to continuously blog.  My life has changed dramatically to a certain extent since the start of February.  So I feel that it's important for myself to write down what's actually happened.

At the end of 2011 I set out multiple goals for myself to achieve over the next 12 months.  So, I think I should give you a quick update on each of these goals.  Here they are briefly:

  • Taking my driving test
  • Buying my first car
  • Find a better job than my current one
  • Learning to not waste money on pointless crap
  • Hopefully passing my A-Level exams
  • Making my final decision on which university I will attend
  • Having the best Summer ever
  • Drinking unprecedented amounts of alcohol
  • Making new friends
  • Gaining a boyfriend who will treat me right
  • Eating healthy and actually partaking in some exercise
  • Moving away from home

  • 1. Taking my driving test
    Since my final post in January, I've successfully managed to FAIL my test three times.  Yes, three times.  The first time I failed I wasn't too bothered as I knew I was going to fail.  This was probably due to the fact that I didn't have a clue about parking a car or driving to be honest.  Plus I went into it with a stinking attitude of impending failure anyway.  The second time I failed was annoying as I only failed because I went into the wrong lane going over a busy bridge, and then I failed to indicate back over to the correct lane quickly enough, causing a 'danger' to other cars. Pfft. Then there was the third failure, yesterday, I would have passed if it wasn't for a Mini driver deciding they weren't going to indicate that they were coming off the roundabout.  This meant that they had to slow down behind me when coming off at the exit I was going down. So in hindsight, I'm an awful driver. But, there's always next time. So until then, stay off the road. And then even after then, stay off the road.

    2. Buy my first car
    I have actually managed to buy my first car; but I obviously can't drive it.  The little cutey is breaking my heart knowing I can't drive her.  My parents kindly helped me buy my beloved little silver Pixo.  When I can finally drive, legally, we'll be going for drives all summer!

    3. Find a better job than my current one
    In hindsight this was probably a stupid goal for 2012.  Since January my job has got so much better and I've finally reaping the social aspects of work now.  I go out with my 'Kiosk Girlies' near enough every weekend.  The horrible manager has also left and gone back to London.  So from work, I've managed to establish an amazing social life around my town.  If I'm not out with college or high school friends, I'm out partying with the Kiosk Girlies and the lads.  I think the only way I'll look for a new job is if I have to around September time when I start University.

    4. Learning to not waste money on pointless crap
    Well I think I've done very well with my money over the past couple of months.  I've booked a holiday to Portugal with 10 college friends; that's not pointless crap.  I still splurge on clothes and make-up, but as far as I'm concerned they are essentials for me.  I suppose you could say I've wasted a fortune on driving lessons and tests though...

    5. Hopefully passing my A-Levels
    Well, this is obviously yet to become clear as I have to wait until August.  But from what I've seen so far, I should be able to reach my target grades which I need for University.

    6. Making my final decision on which university I will attend
    Yep, I've finally made a decision.  This September with a bit of luck, I will be heading to... MANCHESTAHHH. Or  one of the universities in Manchester  for all you normal people out there.

    7. Have the best Summer ever
    It's not quite summer just yet, so I can't exactly say I've had the best summer ever.  But from what I've got planned it should be a pretty good Summer Holidays.  Not only am I going Portugal with college friends, I'll have a family holiday, camping with friends, days out and a Summer or pure partying.  What more could I want?

    8. Drinking unprecedented amounts of alcohol
    It's safe to say I've already lived up to this goal for 2012.  There are way too many nights out which have met this goal, and there are many pictures to prove it.

    9. Making new friends
    Since entering the party circuit in my home town I have made new friends and I've got reacquainted with old friends.  Making new friends has allowed me to have some extreme fun and weird times.  It's also helped me have so eventful times.

    10.Gaining a boyfriend who will treat me right
    Well, this is a long story.  The short story is: I met a 'nice' guy, he treated me like a total gent, he turned out horrible and I haven't got a boyfriend.  But out of every guy I seen the past couple of months, he's probably been the closest too being in a 'relationship' with me.  But he clearly doesn't know how to treat a girl right. #pig

    The story started at the start of March, nearly 2 months ago now, I was out in a night club with my Kiosk Girlies and a group of lads approached us.  I got chatting to one of them and we appeared to get on really well.  So we texted back and forth for about 5 days and we finally arranged to meet at the local Wetherspoons; even more classy.  We got on amazingly and he even walked me home, before kissing me on the cheek and cheekily claiming that he doesn't kiss on first dates.  Which Ito me meant that he could possibly be a nice old fashioned guy.  Once again we texted back and forth, flirting and having fun on more dates.  He finally took me on a 'romantic' date in the city. All was going well for a couple weeks more, until he ignored me in a night club on Easter Sunday.  He claimed he didn't want to ruin my night, got all pissy over me talking to male friends and flirted with girls right in front of me.  This ultimately led to an argument outside the night club when he finally acknowledged me.  Since then, we haven't been out much and the situation hasn't progressed.  He has however, not stopped texting me ever since, suggesting we go out.

    11. Eating healthy and actually partaking in some exercise
    Ah, I'll never eat healthy.  Since January I've developed an unhealthy obsession for chocolate brownies and Yorkshire puddings.  Possibly two of the most unhealthiest foods going.  But I did exercise for a whole week after I booked my holiday to Portugal in February.  But since then, nothing. No exercise and no healthy food.

    12. Moving away from home
    I haven't done this yet; well not until September.  To be honest, I haven't even looked at any accommodation in Manchester yet.

    So overall in 2012, I have achieved a bit.  I could have a achieved a lot if it wasn't for mean driving examiners, horrible boys and generally an unhealthy lifestyle.  Therefore, as I'm half-way through my 2012 goals, I'm determined more than ever to achieve them all before December.  And by June, I might have even come up with 12 more goals for 2012, as a statement for half way through the year!

    BOOM! Lots of love xoxo