One of my New Years resolutions was to not complain about History or my teacher; I'm afraid that I have already broken that one. Not only did she give me 15 essay plans to do over Christmas, she gave me: one 5-page essay to write, a reading booklet about the 3-Day Week, 8 'activities' AND asked me to read the below book.
So after painstakingly reading the first two sections of the book and taking notes, I was literally pulling my hair out. By this point it was 3PM and I still had the above list of pointless tasks to do. I guess tomorrow I'll have to slowly walk to History and then apologise to her about my lack of work over Christmas. Hopefully no-one else has achieved much this Christmas.
My plan for today was to wake-up at 10AM, in order to fall asleep at a reasonable time tonight. But as always in typical Chloe fashion I slept in until 12PM.
So basically I'm sat here now, wanting to curl up in a ball and hide for the month of January. Not only have I got my first exam in 13 days, I haven't even started revising. Nor have I even finished any homework. The chances of me getting to Lancaster at this rate are pretty low. And to top it off my Mum informed me that if I don't pass these January exams, I'll be working at the dreaded Cinema for another 3-years. Gah.
I'm going to have a sip of my Ribena, brush my teeth and head for bed. I've got an early start tomorrow. 7AM, why must you come?
Keep working hard and just keep thinking positive. Great work!!